Wool I never!

Done any knitting recently? I bet you have. You’re probably knitting right now. That’s fine; don’t stop on my account. This is just another case of me scratching my head and wondering, ‘when did this happen? When did this become a thing?’

If you’re as out-of-touch as me, you’ll be wondering what I’m blabbering on about this time. Let me explain. Knitting has become cool or trendy or hip or whatever the word is and nobody thought to tell me. It was only when a friend casually mentioned it the other day that it dawned on me. Another cultural trope had passed me by. I couldn’t quite believe that it was knitting though, so I asked the internet and she confirmed it. The worse thing is that not only had I missed the boat, but it set sail about two years ago. Knitting has been in vogue since 2011 and I knew nothing about it until last weekend.

Well now look. I’m quite comfortable with being behind the times but not by two years. I’ve never made much effort to be fashionable or contemporary but neither am I a recluse. I have friends, use the internet and occasionally watch telly, so what am I doing wrong? Fads come and go, and I normally ignore them because I’m a genius and operate on a higher plane, but now I’m starting to worry. I’m becoming completely unaware of popular culture and it’s quite a lonely feeling. Obviously, this is my fault; I’ve not been paying enough attention. If you keep declining invitations, eventually you stop getting them. I just didn’t realise, until recently, how out-of-touch I am.

I don’t want to join in with every trend or craze but I’d like to be aware of their existence, so I’m going to ask a favour. Please leave a comment below to update me. Let me know what’s going on. What’s becoming cool right now? Carpentry? Stamp-collecting? Bird-watching? Perhaps I should stop writing blogs (it’s so ten years ago) and like what’s twitting on YouTube.

About MattinValencia

I am an English teacher living in Valencia. I am interested in many things but particularly science, literature and Spanish language and culture.

Posted on April 18, 2013, in The world could do better. Bookmark the permalink. 7 Comments.

  1. Well, I’ll have you know that I was knitting before it was cool (which is the way to go, because you’ll need those scarves to be finished when it’s cool).

  2. As a member of a knitting club, fittingly titled Rosey Griers Wooly Nights, I can confirm that knitting is back in vogue. I also hear model airplanes are back in.

    • MattinValencia

      Hello Rebecca!

      Welcome to my blog! Right, model aeroplanes (as we Brits call them); I’m going to get one as soon as possible. I will not miss out on this trend.

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